I think many people who support the Government think they don't need to participate in the National Conversation because they agree with most of the Government's policies and views. However, I feel it would be good if they attend to express the views or just to say they want a more gracious Singapore.
For myself, I am happy with what the Government has done and what it is doing. I believe that the Government will continue do the right things that benefit the people and are good for the Country.
As for foreigners, I have no prejuduce against them. I am quite comfortable with them around.
And for matters like the Internal Security Act, my view is that the ISA should stay. You never know when some security problem would crop up and no other law can deal with it. I also think that freedom of expression is not absolute. There are things that should not be allowed.
The United States has a warped sense of freedom of expression and human rights. It is an unhealthy obsession. What is wrong with forbidding poeple from stirring up religious or racial hatred? But I suppose the US can't do it because it has allowed it for too long. Something that has been taken for granted for too long (even bad thing) is almost impossible to reverse. Ownership of guns is another example. People think it is their entitlement.
The PAP Government needs not worry too much about consensus. If people really want to have a new government just for the sake of change and not because there is a better party, there is nothing much the PAP can do. So let it be. If the new government were to be weak and incompetent, then people will learn. Such a government would breed corruption and squander away much of our reserves. People would worry about their jobs and other basic things rather than not having enough money to buy luxurious items.
The problem is that once things go down, it is very hard to bring them up again.