In my view one good thing that comes out from the unsuccessful takeover of Aware – if there really are people in Aware who are trying to promote lesbianism or homosexuality, now they will not be able to do it. Hope that Aware will also be more vigilant about members making use of the organization to promote their own views whether on lifestyle, sexuality or religion.
Just like the escape of the JI leader and the Rojak food poisoning, this saga again reminds us not to be complacent and take things for granted. Maybe the old Aware leaders did not expect that there are people who will scrutinize their sex education programme.
Similarly we should not be complacent about the H1N1 virus too. When there are more information about the virus and scientists find that it is not too dangerous or does not spread easily, then we can relax a bit. Meanwhile we should practise good personal hygiene. If we are sick we should see a doctor and stay at home as far as possible so as not to spread our illness to others.