I was thinking about rights and speakers’ corner.
First, about rights.
People desire a decent life. That means food, housing, affordable health care and opportunities to education and jobs. People can expect these rights from the Government they elected.
In some countries these rights are not met because the politicians are corrupt or the leaders do not govern the country well. People can vote for another government but it is no use if the politicians only care for themselves. The political parties tell untruths and accuse each other of wrongdoings. The people get disillusioned and find that they cannot trust any of them.
In some countries a certain race may get some special rights, but this should not be used to discriminate against other races.
Some people say allowing people to demonstrate is their right. As usual they will mention freedom of speech and expression as if it were some scientific principle that is applicable in all situations without any conditions.
Allowing people to demonstrate is a concession, not a right. It is just one of the ways for people to express their views. But if it jeopardizes the country’s security, for example, it could be banned. That was the reason why it was banned in our Country all these years.
It is all right to give people this concession but it comes with responsibilities. There should be conditions and restrictions for demonstrations too, for example demonstrators should be peaceful and they should not damage properties.
I think this concession will be expanded further in our Country if people make use of it responsibly.
In some countries people abuse this concession given to them:
1. The mass demonstrations in South Korea over the import of beef from US. Enormous resources were wasted. Finally, nothing much changed except there were losses and destructions. Everyone lost.
2. The recent demonstrations in Thailand. The demonstrators want to throw out a government the people have elected. And they are using force and threats. You call this rights and democracy. Does it mean people who don't like any future government can do the same. More like the Thais are going back to ancient times when people could only get rid of a ruler by assassination or by violence.
3. The demonstrations by The Green Camp and The Blue Camp against each other in Taiwan a few years back. They were frivolous and wasting everybody’s time.